We’ve been watching the City Council agenda waiting to see when the purchase of Lemoine Point Farm might come up.
Is this it? The City Council agenda for Tuesday, June 20th, lists this closed meeting agenda item:
“A proposed or pending acquisition – Potential Acquisition of Waterfront Property.”
Could this be about the Lemoine Point Farm property?
The timing fits. The executors of the estate have been in place for over a year and the Farm property needs to be sold to close out the estate.
Election promises
Before the city election, we asked candidates for Council: Do you support the city’s purchase and long-term protection of Lemoine Point Farm as a place for nature and agriculture, not for development?
The Mayor and 10 of the elected councillors said “yes”.
We hope City Council continues to see the extraordinary value of preserving the Farm property as a whole.
What can YOU do to save the Farm?
We cannot lose this opportunity. Just in case…
Please call or write the Mayor and your city councillor before 5 pm Tuesday. Say that:
- you support the city’s acquisition and protection of the entire Farm property
- you want your city councillor to be far-sighted and realize the value of the Farm to the future of the City — great cities have great green spaces.
- you do not want to see any part of the Farm sold for development — the city needs this farmland, green space, and waterfront — for now and for the sake of future generations.
Talk to your neighbours and friends, too. Share this email with all your contacts before Tuesday by email and on social media. Ask them to talk or write to their City Councillor to add their voices to yours. And please let them know that they can get updates directly from us by subscribing on the Save Lemoine Point Farm website.
Please, speak up now before it is too late.
Mayor Bryan Paterson, mayor@cityofkingston.ca, 613-546-4291, # 1400
Portsmouth District:
Councillor Don Amos, damos@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-2153
Pittsburgh District:
Councillor Ryan Boehme, RNBoehme@cityofkingston.ca, 613-888-3924
Loyalist-Catarqui District:
Councillor Paul Chaves, pchaves@cityofkingston.ca, 613-331-6995
Williamsville District:
Councillor Vincent Cinanni, vcinanni@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-3593
Sydenham District:
Councillor Conny Glenn, cglenn@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-3731
Trillium District:
Councillor Jimmy Hassan, jhassan@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-2324
Meadowbrook-Strathcona District:
Councillor Jeff McLaren, jmclaren@cityofkingston.ca, 613-888-4327
Countryside District:
Councillor Gary Oosterhof, goosterhof@cityofkingston.ca, 613-453-3235
Collins-Bayridge District:
Councillor Lisa Osanic, losanic@cityofkingston.ca, 613-389-7336
King’s Town District:
Councillor Greg Ridge, gridge@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-3687
Lakeside District:
Councillor Wendy Stephen, wstephen@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-2250
Kingscourt-Rideau District:
Councillor Brandon Tozzo, btozzo@cityofkingston.ca, 613-217-2529
Thank you for taking a few minutes to speak up to save this waterfront property for the benefit of everyone.
We will be writing to the Mayor and Council, too.
The Save Lemoine Point Farm Group